How are deadlines calculated

Posted on 2024-03-23 Updated on 2024-06-03

Sellers always specify a delivery time in advance in their Gig .

If a buyer purchases several identical gig at once, the seller will have the specified amount of time to complete the first Gig. The deadline for the remaining will be calculated using half that time.

When does the countdown begin?

The countdown to an order's deadline begins when either the buyer provides all information necessary to complete the order or when the seller accepts the order—whichever occurs first.

How are deadlines calculated when an order is sent back for revision?

When a seller submits an order for approval, the timer for that order is paused. The timer resumes when the order is sent back for revision.

What should I do if an order is overdue?

If a seller misses a deadline, an overdue notice will appear in their dashboard next to the order.

Xp freelancer does not automatically cancel overdue orders.

Note: As a buyer, you have the right to unilaterally cancel late orders.

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